4 Days On 1 Day Off Program (with form tutorial vids)
This training split is my personal favorite. I created this program to help you build muscle naturally. It can be used while cutting or bulking. It is a 4 month program. Please do not buy this program if you don't have a gym membership. I created this program for people who are not afraid of compound movements and have equipment (such as: cables, dumbbells, etc) available to them. This program also has links to tutorial vids showing you form for each exercise on the program, so you can execute each exercise correctly Once you make your payment, You will be able to download this training program. Please be sure that you have the correct email address in your billing info. If you have any issue downloading this training program, Please mail me at Chris@Beastmode316.com asap. Just give me the order number and name. I will then verify your payment and I will send you the training program to your email. Any questions or concerns you can always email me. I want you to share your progress with this program. Do not forget I have "macro coaching" available. Go purchase that as well if you would like help bulking or cutting while using this program. I also have meal plans available for cutting as well.
Day 1- Chest & Delts
Day 2- Legs
Day 3- Back & Traps
Day 4- Arms
(Take A Rest Day; then repeat the 4 day training cycle again)
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