
Best Month To Cut And Bulk

Posted by Chris Jones at

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  • My man! Best workouts I’ve tried out!

    ANdy on
  • first of all you are a great inspiration. Don’t change! Your personality sets you apart from others. Keep the profanity. I am trying to build abs for the scabs.,…! I would love to see you compete.

    Kevin Gbody on
  • Kris Jones you are that dude! You are funny as hell,in case you happen to give a fuck. I have been trying your advice and it’s working. I can’t afford training or supps.,but I’m making it happen with you as a source of information and motivation. I got lots of respect for you man. Continued success representating BEASTMODE! !!!

    Mellie Mel on
  • The profanity…why so much? You de-value yourself and your message. It is totally unncessary…unless your video is marketing towards a prison clientele. It also makes it look like you have a tremendously limited vocabulary. You are much better than that. It is obvious that you are articulate, discipline and dedicated. Unfortuntately, your intelligence is put to question with the plethora of profanity. Just giving constructive criticism. Take it for what it’s worth…

    krock on
  • Chris, I’m 14 yrs. Old and I’m weight training for football season but what should I eat if I weigh 130 lbs and I’m 5’9, I’m trying to get big but don’t want to use it for a competition

    Anthony on

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